Jerzy Kocik
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- Triangle Simplified The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Illinois Section of the MAA, Carbondale, 30-31March, 2019
- Stern-Brocot-like trees, continued fractions, and topology, Knots in Washington XLVI, George Washington University, May 4-6, 2018 (invited talk)
- Apollonian coronas, spinor structures, tessellations and Epstein-like Zeta functions, AMS Spring Western Sectional Meeting, Portland State University, Portland, OR, April 14-15, 2018, Meeting #1137 (invited talk).
- On the Apollonian crossroad of structures: geometry, algebra, and physics, EIU Conference on Geometry, Dynamics, Topology, Charleston, IL, April 6-8, 2018 (invited talk)
- On the Area of Apollonian Coronas and the Epstein Zeta function. The Post-Eclipse Mini-Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Carbondale, 23 Aug 2017.
- How much physics in the Apollonian gasket. A National Research Conference in the Fields of Pure Mathematics, Carbondale, 15-16 May 2017.
- The geometry and algebra of the celestial sphere: the Lorentz group tamed. A National Research Conference in the Fields of Pure Mathematics, 17 May 2016, Carbondale.
- Celestial sphere, spinors relativistic composition of velocities. Spring Western Sectional Meeting, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, April 9-10, 2016, Meeting #1119 (invited talk).
- Geometry of the spinor action on the celestial sphere and relativistic addition of velocities. Spring Western Sectional Meeting, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, April 18-19, 2015, Meeting #1110 (invited talk).
- From split quaternions to Krawtchouk matrices to representations of SL2 and beyond - at the Probability on Algebraic and Geometric Structures, Carbondale, IL, June 5-7, 2014.
- Spin networks in the integral Apollonian disk packings - at the 2014 Spring Western Sectional Meeting, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, April 2014, Meeting #1099 (invited talk).
- The game of light - harmonic evolutions on graphs - at the Gathering for Gardner 11, Atlanta, GA, March 19-23, 2014 (invited talk).
- Topology and geometry of Apollonian disc packing and physics - 2013 Spring Western Sectional Meeting, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, April 13-14, 2013, Meeting #1089.
- Classical and quantum aspects of Krawtchouk matrices - 2012 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, George Washington University, Washington, DC, March 17-18, 2012 (Saturday - Sunday), Meeting #1080.
- Krawtchouk matrices: interpretations and applications - KNOTS IN WASHINGTON XXXIV. The George Washington University, March 14-16, 2012. http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/cbek-01
- [invited plenary talk] The Magic Behind Quantum Computing: Chapter -1 - at the Knots at Washington XXXIII, George Washington University, Washington DC, Dec 2-4, 2011.
- Spinor Structure of an Apollonian Gasket - at the AMS Western Section Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, Oct 22-23, 2011.
- Symplectic geometry of phenomenological thermodynamics - at the Ninth International Workshop of Applied Category Theory, Graph-Operad-Logic, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Mar 14-19, 2011
- Topological game on graphs -at the Ninth International Workshop of Applied Category Theory, Graph-Operad-Logic, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Mar 14-19, 2011
- Theory of relativity and quaternions - at the Ninth International Workshop of Applied Category Theory, Graph-Operad-Logic, The University of Texas at San Antonio, Mar 14-19, 2011
- Algebraic structures on Apollonian Gaskets (a series of invited talks) - at the 8th International Workshop of Applied Category Theory, Graph-Operad-Logic, Nayarit, Mexico, January 2010.
- Beyond "Beyond Descartes Theorem" - at The 28th Annual Mathematics Symposium, "New Approaches to Familiar Mathematics", Western Kentucky University, October 2008.
- The Apollonian Window - at The Eighty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the Illinois Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Charleston, IL, April 4-5, 2008.
- Looking through the Apollonian Window - at Gathering for Gardner 8, Atlanta, GA, March 2008. (invited talk)
- Generating Function for Cauchy's Enumeration Formula - at the Fifth International Workshop on Applied Category Theory, Graph-Operad-Logic, Mérida, May 2006.
- Classical Mechanics on Lie Algebras and more - at the 1000th AMS Meeting at Albuquerque, NM, Oct 16-17, 2004. (invited talk)
- Krawtchouk Matrices from Hadamard-Sylvester Matrices via a Shuffling Function - at the 16th Midwest Conference on Combinatorics, Cryptography, and Computing, Carbondale IL, Nov 2002.
- Clifford-Algebra Valued Quantum Mechanics - at the 6-th International Conference on Clifford Algebras and Their Applications, Cookeville TN, May 2002.
- Evolution Equations on Lie Groups and Stochastic Processes - at the Spring Central Section Meeting, Notre Dame, IN, April 2000 (with Ph. Feinsilver).
- Tournaments, Octonions, Quarks, and Projective Algebras - at the Sixth Carbondale Combinatorics Conference, Carbondale Illinois, October 1992.
- Lie Algebras and Lagrangian Mechanics - at the South Bend Joint Mathematical Meeting, South Bend, Indiana, March 1991.
- Relativity, Mathematics, Imagination - (plenary talk) at the Sixty-Ninth Annual Meeting of MAA, held in Decatur, Illinois, April 1990 (invited plenary talk)
- Grassmann Extension of a Lie Algebra - at the Louisville Joint Mathematical Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, January 1990.
- Induced Orders in Word Monoids - at the Fifth Carbondale Combinatorics Conference, Carbondale Illinois, November 1990.
- On Formal Tense Systems - at the Third Carbondale Combinatorics Conference, Carbondale, Illinois, November 1988.
- Lagrangian-Newtonian Duality - at First International Conference of the Physics of Phase Space, College Park, Maryland, May 1986.
- Magic Cube of Thermodynamics - at Symposium on Symmetries in Science, Carbondale, Illinois, March 1986.
- Projections of Spinor Spaces onto Minkowski Space - at Symposium on Symmetries in Science, Carbondale, Illinois, March 1986.
- On Description of Connection - at the Sixteenth Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Torun, Poland, December 1983.
- Classical Mechanics via Contact Structure: Wave-Particle Duality, Wroclaw-Leipzig Seminar, Germany, 1981.
- Hodge Star Operator for not-necessarily Symmetric Inner Product and Dirac Classification of Constraints - at Autumn Wroclaw-Leipzig Seminar, Wroclaw, Poland, November 1979.