The standard view: a linear space L with a product, i.e., a bilinear map L x L ---> L denoted
a,b ----> [a,b]Let us however view it as a linear space L with a (1,2)-variant tensor c. We may view c as a map
Different restrictions of this map to a fewer number of arguments result in major concepts of Lie agebra: L* x L x L ----> R
Algebra product m: L/\L ---> L [v,w] = c( . ,v , w) Co-algebra product m*: L* ---> L* /\ L* m*(alpha) = c(alpha, . , . ) Adjoint map ad: L ---> L x L* ad(v) = c( . , v, . ) Tong map tau: L* x L ---> L* tau(alpha,v) = c (alpha, v, . )
These maps can be put into one diagram:
This is the mandala of a Lie algebra. to get to an interactive page, where you can click on a particular item
of the mandala to get further definitions.Copyright © 1995 jerzy kocik
You may see the full-size version a of this picture (you will need to scroll the screen).
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