1 + 1 = 2 |
History of the Plaque
Brief account:
- Creted and exposed on walls of Yatki Passage in December some 20 years ago
- Digit "2" stolen (perpetrators unknown)
- Digit "2" sprayed (perpetrators unknown)
- Digit "1" engraved upon "2" with a nail (?) (perpetrators unknown)
- The Plaque shattered (perpetrators unknown)
- The remains put together and redisplayed
- Protective gilded bars endowed (perpetrators known: rich citizens of Wroclaw)
Friends of the Plaque continue to meet every December in a nearby cafe to celebrate its fundamental message and persistent survival
Where is it? Maestro Get himself The story... other curiosities of Wroclaw Essay on 1+1=2
(in polish)