Henri Schurz
Assistant Professor
Dr. rer. nat.
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Department of Mathematics
Southern Illinois University
Mailcode 4408, Neckers Hall
Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Office Hours: MWF 9:10-10:50 am (or by appointment)
Main Scientific Interests:
Stochastic Differential Equations, Stochastic Dynamical Systems,
Stochastic Analysis, Probability Theory, Numerical Analysis,
Approximation Theory, Mathematical Modelling, Stability Theory,
Mathematical Engineering, Mathematical Biology, Computational Physics, Mathematical Finance
Current Courses
(spring semester 2002)
Math 305 - Introduction to Differential Equations (Spring 2002)
Design of Future Courses
Math 582 -
Stochastic Differential Equations (Confirmed for Spring 2003)
Past Courses
Math 472 - Linear Programming (Fall 2001)
Math 8660 -
Topics in Probability: Stochastic Differential Equations (Spring 2001)
Math 5652 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes (Spring 2000)
Math 4242 - Applied Linear Algebra (Fall 1999)
Math 1031 - College Algebra & Probability (Fall 1999)
Curriculum Vitae
Teaching Experiences 1986 -- 2001
Detailed Publication List
Research Results
References (Recommendations)
Summary of Ph.D. Thesis
Academic Career:
Assistant Professor at Southern Illinois University,
Department of Mathematics, Carbondale, USA, since August 2001
Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota,
School of Mathematics, Minneapolis, USA, 1999 - 2001
Visiting stays at more than 30 academic, research-oriented institutions
/ universities
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship sponsored by DFG at University of Kaiserslautern,
Department of Mathematics (AG Technomathematics), 1999,
Kaiserslautern, Germany
Reviewer for Annals of Applied Probability since 2001-
Permanent Reviewer for Zentralblatt of Mathematics since 1998-
Reviewer for SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis since 1997-
Associate Professor (Invited) in Stochastic Processes at Department of
Mathematics, University Los Andes, 1997-1999, Bogota, Colombia
Part-time Lecturer in Stochastic Numerics, Stochastic Dynamical Systems
and Mathematical Modelling at Humboldt University, 1994-1997, Berlin, Germany
Invited Guest Lecturer on Stochastic Dynamical Systems at University of
Innsbruck, Institute for Mechanics, Innsbruck, Austria, 1996.
Ph. D. in Mathematics (Thesis on 'Stability Theory of Numerical Methods
for Systems of Stochastic Differential Equations', Head of Ph.D. Commission:
Prof. Dr. Hans Foellmer), 1997. Humboldt
University, Department of Mathematics, Institute for Stochastics, Berlin,
Member of National Research Foundation Grant 378 ''Quantification and Simulation
of Economical Processes'' of DFG, 1994-1996, Berlin, Germany
Research Associate at Weierstrass Institute (WIAS), 1992-1996, Berlin, Germany
Invited Programmer at Murdoch University, Department of Mathematics, 1991,
Perth, WestAustralia
Research Assistant at Academy of Sciences of former GDR, 1989-1991, Berlin, EastGermany
Master in Mathematics (Thesis on Control of Discrete Markov Chains,
Advisors: Prof. Dr. P.H. Mueller, Dr. G. Maibaum),
1989. Technical University, Department of Mathematics, Dresden, EastGermany
Languages: German (native),
English (fluently), Spanish (fluently), [Russian]
Scientific Interests:
Análisis estocástico. Ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas
Análisis numérico. Sistemas dinámicos estocásticos
Matemáticas financieras y marketing, Ingenería estocastica
Estadística matemática, Probabilidad aplicada
Modelamiento matemático y aplicaciones.
Análisis funcional. Operadores positivos, Teoría de medidas.
Al profesor Henri Schurz le gustaría contactar estudiantes y profesores
interesados para trabajar juntos en cualquiera de las áreas presentadas,
en particular aplicaciones.
Publication List
(see Curriculum Vitae Icon above)
List of Publications: monographs and textbooks
[36]. H. Schurz: `An introduction to analytical and numerical methods for
(ordinary) stochastic differential equations', monograph in progress,
Carbondale, 2001.
[35]. H. Schurz: `Stability, stationarity, and boundedness of some implicit
numerical methods for stochastic differential equations and applications', Logos-Verlag,
Berlin, pp. 288, 1997 (Research Monograph, ISBN 3-931216-94-2).
[34]. S.S. Artemiev, Y.G. Michaylichenko, H. Schurz, I.O. Shkurko, M.A. Yakunin:
`Numerical integration of ordinary SDEs with 'Dynamics and Control'
(Computer Manual), Computer Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian
Division, Novosibirsk, 1997.
[33]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, H. Schurz: `Numercial solution of stochastic
differential equations through computer experiments', Universitext,
Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 292, 1997 (Second edition, first edition 1994,
Advanced Textbook, ISBN 3-540-57074-8).
List of Publications: refereed papers in
international journals (status: in preparation or submitted)
[32]. H. Schurz: A brief introduction to numerical analysis of SDEs without
tears, Preprint m-01-005 (2001), 1-177, Department of Mathematics, SIU,
Carbondale, 2001.
[31]. H. Schurz: `Qualitative analysis of (balanced) stochastic Theta methods',
Manuscript, SIU, Carbondale, 2001.
[30]. H. Schurz; `General theorems for numerical approximation of
stochastic processes on the Hilbert space $H_2 ([0,T])$', Preprint
m-01-006 (2001), 1-19, Department of Mathematics, SIU, Carbondale, 2001.
[29]. K.R. Schneider and H. Schurz: `Waveform relaxation methods for
stochastic differential equations', Report 1733, IMA, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, 2000 (submitted).
[28]. H. Schurz: `Partial- and linear-implicit numerical methods for nonlinear
stochastic differential equations', Manuscript, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, 2000.
[27]. H. Schurz: `On the numerical approximation of some functionals
of SDEs with application to mathematical finance', Manuscript,
University of Minnessota, Minneapolis, 2000.
[26]. H. Schurz: `On Taylor series expansions and conditional expectations for
(ordinary) Stratonovich stochastic differential equations with
Report 1671, IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1999 (to be
[25]. H. Schurz: `General principles for numerical approximation of stochastic
processes on stochastically weak Banach spaces', Report 1669, IMA, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1999 (in revision).
List of Publications: refereed papers in
international journals (status: accepted or appeared)
[24]. H. Schurz: `Moment attractivity, stability and contractivity
exponents of stochastic dynamical systems', Discrete Cont. Dyn. Syst. 7
(3), 487-515 (2001), also Report 1741,
IMA, University of Minnesota, 2000, also earlier version
`Moment contractivity and stability exponents of nonlinear stochastic
dynamical systems', Technical Report No. 215, University of Kaiserslautern,
1999, Report 1656, IMA, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1999.
[23]. H. Schurz: `On moment-dissipative stochastic dynamical
systems', Dyn. Syst. Appl. 10 (1), 11-44, (2001), Technical
Report No. 214, University of Kaiserslautern, 1999.
[22]. H. Schurz: `Preservation of probabilistic laws through
Euler methods for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process', Stochastic Anal. Appl. 17
(3), p. 463-486, 1999.
[21]. H. Schurz: `The invariance of asymptotic laws of stochastic systems
under discretizaction', Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 79 (6), p. 375-382,
[20]. G.N. Mil'shtein, E. Platen, H. Schurz: `Balanced implict methods for
stiff stochastic systems', SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 35 (3), p. 1010-1019,
[19]. L.B. Ryashko and H. Schurz: `Mean square stability analysis of some
stochastic systems', Dyn. Syst. Appl. 6 (2), p.165-190, 1997.
[18]. H. Schurz: `Modelling and analysis of stochastic innovation diffusion',
ZAMM 76 (Suppl. 3, I-XV), p. 366-369, 1996.
[17]. H. Schurz: `Numerical regularization for SDEs: Construction of nonnegative
solutions', Dyn. Syst. Appl. 5 (1), p. 323-352, 1996.
[16]. H. Schurz: `Asymptotical mean square stability of an equilibrium point
of some linear numerical solutions', Stochastic Anal. Appl. 14 (3), p.
313-354, 1996.
[15]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, H. Schurz, M. Sorensen: `On effects of discretization
on estimators of drift parameters for diffusion processes', J. Appl.
Prob. 33, p. 1061-1076, 1996.
[14]. Karmeshu, H. Schurz: `Effects of distributed delay on the stability
of structures under seismic excitation and multiplicative noise', SADHANA
20 (2-4), p. 451-474, 1995.
[13]. S.S. Artemiev, H. Schurz:
`Stiff systems of stochastic differential equations with small noise and
their numerical solution' (in Russian),
Report No. 1039, Vychisl. Tsentr Ross. Akad. Nauk Sib. Otd.,
Novosibirsk, p. 1-24, 1995.
[12]. T.A. Averina, S.S. Artem'ev, H. Schurz: `Numerical analysis of stochastic
auto-oscillating systems', Bull. Novosib. Comput. Cent., Ser. Numer.
Anal. 6, p. 9-27, 1995.
[11]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, H. Schurz: `The numerical solution of nonlinear
stochastic dynamical systems: a brief introduction', J. Bifur. Chaos
1 (2), p. 227-286, 1991.
List of Publications: refereed
papers in special volumnes
[10]. H. Schurz: `Numerical analysis for SDE without tears'
(invited chapter), in V. Lakshmikantham, D. Kannan, Handbook
of Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Marcel Dekker,
Basel, October 2001, 239-361.
[9]. Karmeshu, H. Schurz: `Moment evolution of the outflow-rate from nonlinear
conceptual reservoirs', in Surface Water-Hydrology 1, ed. by V.P. Singh
and B. Kumar, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, p. 403-413, 1996.
[8]. Karmeshu, H. Schurz: `Stochastic stability of structures under active
control with distributed time delays', Applications of Statistics and
Probability: Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Analysis, ed. by M.
Lemaire, J.-L. Favre, A. Mebarki, A.A. BALKEMA Publishers, Rotterdam, p.
1111-1119, 1995.
[7]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, H. Schurz: `Higher order approximate Markov
chain filters´, in Stochastic Processes: A Festschrift in Honour
of Gopinath Kallianpur, ed. by S. Cambanis et al, Springer, New York, p.
181-190, 1993.
[6]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, H. Schurz: `Effective simulation of optimal
trajectories in stochastic control', in Optimazation: Techniques and
Applications, ed. by K.H. Phua et al., Vol. 2, World Scientific, Singapore,
p. 633-644, 1992.
List of Publications:
papers in proceedings
[5]. H. Schurz: 'Stability analysis of (balanced) stochastic
Theta methods', in Proc. Stochastic Numerics Workshop 2001,
ETH, Zurich, pp. 32, 2001.
[4]. H. Schurz: `Remarks on preservation of asymptotical mean square and
pathwise properties of bilinear SDE by numerical methods', in Proc.
AMCA-95, Internat. Conf. Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications
(Novosibirsk, June 1995), NCC Publisher, Novosibirsk, p. 291-292, 1995.
[3]. H. Schurz: `Mean square stability analysis of some numerical methods
solving bilinear SDEs', in Proc. Workshop on Stochastics and Finance
(Berlin, September 1994), Sonderdruck at Humboldt University, Berlin, p.
77-78, 1994.
[2]. H. Schurz: `Approximate Markov chain filtering', in Proc. 1st Workshop
on Stochastic Numerics (Gosen, September 1992), in Report No. 21, IAAS,
Berlin, p. 83-84, 1992.
([1]. P.E. Kloeden, E. Platen, N. Hofmann, H. Schurz: `The stochastic Taylor
formula and higher order numerical schemes for stochastic differential
equations', in Proc. New Computation Methods in Turbulent Mixing, Loughborough,
y más de 30 artículos como reportes técnicos nacionales
desde 1989.
Selected Academic Invitations:
38. Dresden's University of Technology, Dresden, Germany, June 2001,
37. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, March 2001,
36. Washington State University, Pullman, USA, March 2001,
35. George Mason University, Fairfax, USA, March 2001,
34. Clarkson University, Potsdam, USA, March 2001,
33. Southern Utah University, Cedar City, USA, March 2001,
32. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA, February 2001,
31. University of Catania, Catania, Italy, July 2000,
30. Courant Institute, New York University, New York, USA, May/June 2000,
29. University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA, February 2000,
28. Weierstrass Institute (WIAS), Berlin, Germany, June-July 1998, November
1999, January 2000, May-August 2000, January 2001,
27. Indiana State University, Bloomington, USA, October 1999,
26. Technical University Cottbus, Cottbus, Germany, May 1999.
25. University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.B., Germany, May 1999.
24. The Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada, April 1999.
23. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA, February 1999.
22. Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany,
February, 1999.
21. University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany, January, 1999.
20. London School of Economics, London, England, March 1998.
19. University of North Carolina, Raleigh, USA, March 1998.
18. University of Braunschweig, Germany, January 1998.
17. Technical University, Dresden, Germany, January 1998.
16. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, November 1997.
15. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, 1997-1999.
14. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 1997 and June
13. Max-Planck Institute for Complex Systems Physics, Dresden, Germany, February
12. University of Athens, Greece, July 1996.
11. ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, November 1995, June 1996 and February 2001,
10. University of Innsbruck, Institute for Mechanics, Innsbruck, Austria, May-June
9. Morehouse College, Atlanta, USA, May 1995.
8. Massey University at Palmerston North, New Zealand, March 1994.
7. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, December 1993.
6. University of Waterloo, Canada, June 1993.
5. University of Bremen, Germany, multiple visits 1997, 1994, 1993,
4. Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia, November-December
3. Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, December 1991.
2. Murdoch University, Perth, WestAustralia, September-December 1991.
1. University of Hamburg, Germany, June 1991.
My thesis students:
1. Señor Cesar Guzman, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial,
Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, on some SDEs with Applications to
Mathematical Finance (Exotic Options),
1997-1999 (Master Thesis 1999)
2. Señor M. Richter, Humboldt University, Berlin, on Stochastic
Numerical Analysis, 1996 (Master Thesis 1996)
Social interests:
practicar todos formas de deporte y lenguas
Some Personal Data: Citizenship
- Germany, Gender - Male
Birth Dates: 1964 in Goerlitz (Germany), i.e. I am from Silesia, and not from Saxony!
Family Status: Married, Two Sons (born in Berlin, 1995, 2000)
Computational Experiences: with operating systems DOS, UNIX, WINDOWS
Programming Languages: PASCAL, C, FORTRAN, BASIC, HTML
Workstations: Sun, Dec Alpha (Digital), Silicon Onyx
¡¡¡Vaya con Dios!!!
nos tenga de su mano!!!
¡¡¡Dios te bendiga!!!