*R code for homework problems; Copy and paste code one problem part at a time. The easiest way to get slpack.txt and sldata.txt is to copy and paste the following two commands into R. source("http://parker.ad.siu.edu/Olive/dspack.txt") source("http://parker.ad.siu.edu/Olive/dsdata.txt") #If slpack.txt and sldata.txt are on J drive, get lregpack and lregdata with #the following commands: #source("J:/dspack.txt") #source("J:/dsdata.txt") ## Problem 10.1, HW 10 Problem C) Regression Tree library(rpart) cars <- car90[, -match(c("Rim", "Tires", "Model2"), names(car90))] carfit <- rpart(Price/1000 ~ ., data=cars) plot(carfit) text(carfit) ##Problem 10.2 HW 10 Problem D) Classification Tree library(rpart) fit <- rpart(Kyphosis ~ Age + Number + Start, data = kyphosis) plot(fit) text(fit)