PHYS 498GMP Spring 99          
dynamical systems

Note: The first 10 lectures form a "crush course in differential geometry."
Also, see the list of handouts.

Lecture 1: General overview (see map)
Lecture 2: Linear algebra: space and the dual space
Lecture 3: Exterior forms and multivectors. Extra: What is the Hodge star? (reading)
Lecture 4: Manifolds. The concept of vector after 2000 years.
Lecture 5: Tangent and cotangent space. Vector fields, differential forms.
Lecture 6: Exterior derivative, induced maps.
Lecture 7: Cohomology (de Rham), Stokes' theorem.
Lecture 8: Example 1: Maxwell's equations --- from 3D to 4D. And back!
Lecture 9: Dynamical systems. Lie derivative. (reading)
Lecture 10: Newton equations. (Remark for programmers).
Lecture 11: Symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian mechanics 1.
Lecture 12: Symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian mechanics 2.
Lecture 13: Special topics in symplectic geometry.
Lecture 14: What are the Lagrange/Hamilton equations, really ?
Lecture 15: Digression 1: Thermodynamics and symplectic geometry (the magic cube)
Lecture 16: Digression 2: Symplectic geometry and geometric optics.
                    Digression 3: Schroedinger equations and symplectic geometry
Lecture 17: Poisson manifolds and the Schouten-Nijenhuis bracket --- a big erratum to Hamiltonian description.
Lecture 18: Beyond the symplectic paradigm (1) (Poincare-Cartan description revised).
Lecture 19: Beyond the symplectic paradigm (2) (Myths concerning CM).
Lecture 20: Beyond the symplectic paradigm (3) (Nambu mechanics, bi-Hamiltonian systems).
Lecture 21: Lie groups and algebras via differential geometry.
Lecture 22: Quaternions, SO(3), and SU(2).
Lecture 23: Clifford algebras.
Lecture 24: Geometry of Lie algebras and co-algebras.
Lecture 25: Geometry of Lie algebras and co-algebras -- cont.
Lecture 26: What are Lax equations.
Lecture 27: Fiber bundles, connections, and curvature -- 1.
Lecture 28: Fiber bundles, connections, and curvature -- 2.
Lecture 29: What is quantization: geometric approaches.


Lecture 30: Everything you wanted to know about n-spheres (Hopf fibrations, spin and polarization, Utnapishtim, etc)

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