
Mouse click RESTARTS the process from the clicked point.

m = magnify the image.
n = shrink the image.

To SHIFT the image press:

l = LEFT
u = UP
d = DOWN

k = make the inversion circles VISISBLE / INVISIBLE.

Press A or B or C or D
to move cirle number n with arrows by 1

Press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
to move Cirle number n with arrows by .5

Press 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 and then:
v to make it a vertical line
h to make it a horizontal line.
(actually a circle of r = 1000)

Press 9 to make the radius of Circle 4 grow by +1
Press 0 to shrink the radius of Circle 4 by -.5